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Stocksbridge Pentaqua
Swimming Club

Stocksbridge Pentaqua
Annual Spring Open Meet
Saturday 19th April 2025
Stocksbridge Pentaqua Swimming Club
(Affiliated to Swim England North East Region and Swim England Yorkshire)
are delighted to present the
28th Stocksbridge Spring Open Meet
This event is licensed at level 3 for entry into regional and county championships.
(Licence number: 3NE250337)
Ponds Forge International Pool, Sheffield
50m, 100m Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly & 200m Individual Medley.
Age Groups:
9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs, 14yrs, 15 & Over
(Age at 19th April 2025)
50m Long Course with continous warm up/cool down
10 Lanes with Electronic Timing
Heat Declared Winners - Awards for first three in each age group
Speeding tickets for swimmers who swim faster than the cut-off times
Awards for overall top open/boy and top girl
Will be on a first come first served basis. We reserve the right to
limit entries in order to comply with licensed meet conditions and any other restrictions at the time.
Please download the Spring Open Meet Entry Pack and SportSys entry file via the link below.
We identified an issue with the SportSys .sef entry file we published on 17/01/2025, it would not allow 9 year olds to be entered. We have now updated the entry pack and this issue is resolved in the new files. The link above has the new files as of:
19:00hrs 24/01/2025 >. Please use the new file in the link for entries. We will notify clubs by email that have already expressed an interest/submitted.
When your SportSys Entry file is complete, please email with the summary sheet to:
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