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Stocksbridge Spring Open Meet a ‘Swimtastic’ Success

The team from Stocksbridge Pentaqua Swimming Club are celebrating after another successful year at the club’s Spring Open Meet. The annual meet, which this year attracted 450 swimmers entering 2,200 swims, was the club’s 23rd event.

Held each year at Ponds Forge International Pool in Sheffield, the swimming gala is a Swim England licensed long-course meet and includes 50m and 100m events in all strokes, plus 200m individual medley events for both girls and boys. Medals are awarded to the fastest 3 swimmers in each event in each age group - 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13yrs, 14yrs, and 15yrs & over.

As this year’s meet fell over Easter weekend, swimmers were awarded with vibrant Easter-themed medals and there were also spot prizes of chocolate eggs for the winners of selected heats throughout the day. The standard of swimming amongst the competitors was incredibly high, with lots of fast times being achieved across all events and all age groups.

Stocksbridge Pentaqua Swimming Club’s own swimmers achieved a fantastic personal best rate of 66% throughout the meet and won an impressive collection of medals. Special congratulations go to Stocksbridge swimmer Logan P, who won a gold medal in all his events and won the Stocksbridge Town Council Award which goes to the top Stocksbridge swimmer. Coveted gold medals were also won by Mateo M, Benjamin W, Finley M, Ben C, Sebastian A, Phoebe M, Lucy B, James H and Joe T.

Organising such a large event is a huge undertaking and Stocksbridge Pentaqua Swimming Club would like to thank everyone who gave up their time to help on the day - family and friends of past and present members, and officials from other swimming clubs.

The club would also like to say a huge “Thank You” to the sponsors who supported this year’s meet - Bridge Community Shop Stocksbridge, Stocksbridge Town Council, Lowtherm Construction, Shane Taylor Welding, and Liberty Speciality Steels UK. Their support is greatly appreciated!

Next year's Spring Open Meet will be taking place on Saturday 25th April 2020. To find out more and for more information on Stocksbridge Pentaqua Swimming Club, visit



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